Sunday, April 14, 2024

Easter 3: The Kingdom of Heaven is like a Nurturing Momma

“See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called Children of God.” 1 John 3:1

How many of you know that today? How many of you know that God loves you, and that you are children of God, and that no matter what: no “one” and no “thing” can take that away from you now – or ever?

You and I are children of the most amazing God. We worship a God from whom it is impossible to escape his loving embrace.

With enough power, we can leave the earth. We proved that with the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space missions. We can leave the earth; we can escape earth orbit. But we have NO power to escape God’s great love for us.

What does that mean?

In ACTS 3 we see the story of John and Peter. They went to the temple, as was their custom; they healed a man crippled from birth (Note: he was looking for a handout – as was HIS custom – what he received from the apostles was FAR greater); people are upset – Why? It seems to them that their world is being turned upside down. In their world-view, the man is crippled because of his sin or the sins of his parents. Peter: It doesn’t matter. The fact is, it was God who did this – not us.

It was by FAITH IN HIS NAME – the name JESUS – that made him whole.

The name “Jesus” means “Yah Saves, Yah Heals”.

It is the FAITH that is THROUGH Jesus that has restored him

And here is the kicker:

What we do is sometimes evil – whether out of ignorance or malice – but that doesn’t matter. The Bible tells us – the Gospel tells us: Turn to God, and God will restore you too; God will heal you, too; God will save you, too.

That’s what God does; that’s what God wants – more than anything.

What is your image of God? Is your god Vengeful? Angry? Demanding? 

I try to stay away from people who act like that.

I try to stay away from people who are dangerous to my well-being, who are toxic to be around.

But what if the God we worship isn’t mad, angry, vengeful, or just waiting for us to goof up so he can toss us into the fire?

What if God actually delights in us? What then?

When I have people who nurture me, who care for me, who take care of me, who embrace me when I need it, and give me space when I need space, and who energize me when I am feeling drained – do you think I run from those kind of people, or run towards them?

John says: “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called Children of God.”

As children, we have our DNA from our parents. 

As Christians, God replaces our DNA with God’s own spiritual DNA. God is converting/transforming our junky old DNA – the kind that leads to war, strife, greed, gluttony, etc. – to godly, holy DNA – the kind that leads to love, joy, peace, and grace: that produces the fruits of the Spirit.

In his Epistle, the Apostle John says, “we don’t look like God yet, but we’re getting there.” We are the evidence the world is looking for that there is a God who loves them THIS MUCH.

So, how do we do that? How do we make that “love” more visible?

First of all, we become a nurturing community – we become a people who are known as people who don’t just nurture one another – even the heathens do that – but who nurture the world.

It sounds like a big job, but God has faith in us. How do I know?

Jesus says: I am not a ghost. Feed me.

In Matthew (25) Jesus says: As you feed, clothe, visit others, you do so to me.

We take care of Jesus – even the risen Jesus – one person at a time. 

We don’t have the resources to take care of 7 billion people, but we do have resources to provide friendship to those who are lonely – here. 

We provide food to those who are hungry – here. 

We provide shelter to those who are cold – here. 

We visit those who are ill – here. 

We do what no one else in the world will do because that is what God has called us to do; that’s who God has called us to be: people who look and act like Jesus, because that’s what it means to be a child of God – and God knows we can do it through FAITH IN HIS NAME. 

See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called Children of God.” 1 John 3:1

Secondly, we open our eyes and see what love God has given us; how God comes running to us when we are hurt, lonely, or afraid.

We pray, “Our Father …” That is a term of endearment. We pray “Our Father …” because we know that everything is his – and he lavishes us with good gifts. I remember that old tune we sometimes sang at the offertory in some of my early churches: 

“All things are thine, no gift have we, Lord of all gifts, to offer thee, and hence with grateful hearts today, Thine own before thy feet we lay.”

We pray “Our Father” because we have a God who cares for us every bit as deeply, every bit as lavishly, every bit as passionately as Mother, Father, Brother, or Sister ever has – and more. We just have to look up, like the man at the gate.

That’s both a challenge and a promise, and it’s ours for good. AMEN

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