Friday, October 7, 2022


AUTHOR’S NOTE: Every now and then during October, I will write a very brief short story with a Halloween or Horror theme. If that’s not your cup of tea, please feel free to move along. Each story may be illustrated, but I won’t post any blood or gore. After all, this is a Blog, and that is scary enough.

George was a hard-working barista for a local drive-through coffee specialty shop. He had to arrive at least an hour before opening time to prepare the beans, creams, and cups for the customers who would always begin arriving (impatiently) at least ten minutes before it was time to open. George didn’t care. When they pulled up to the window, he was ready for them, even if they were early.

On this day, however, George was not prepared for his first customer. “May I have your order,” he asked with his usual chirpy ‘tude. That changed when he noted his first customer was an empty black robe with hood, no face, and carrying a scythe. “Yes,” answered the robed figure in a deep, quiet baritone. “Two large, hot, black coffees. Plain.” George said nothing, just nodded.

He poured two quick cups of the hottest, freshest, blackest coffee available in his little shop. “Two fresh hot Grandes,” he said, as he handed them to the black robed customer. George looked several times into the black-as-coal Cadillac idling beside the service window, but there wasn’t anyone beside the hooded driver. George should have known better, but he couldn’t help asking, “Um, who is the second cup for?”

For a moment, George thought he could catch a glimpse of crimson fire where the hooded figures eyes should be, and beyond that, perhaps even a whiff of burning brimstone or Sulphur. The ghoul answered, quietly, “It’s for you!”

George quivered where he stood, and a deep, dark belly-laugh roared forth from the creature’s mouth, after which he added, “Master says I cannot come home without either a cup of fresh coffee or your soul, so I got the second cup for your sake; its for you! Have a nice day.”


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